Posts Tagged ‘Swen Seebach’

Tocar per paraules, sentit per imatges

In GRECS, recerca, video on gener 23, 2012 at 4:02 pm

Presentació de la conferència “Tocat per paraules, seduït per imatges — El cos i la seducció a internet” que van fer la Natàlia Cantó i el Swen Seebach el 29 d’octubre al Centre Octubre de Cultura Contemporània de València.

Podeu veure la conferència sencera a:

Papers in Geneva

In ponència, recerca on Octubre 4, 2011 at 1:53 pm

The GRECS research group was present at the 10th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), which took place between the 7th and the 10th of September of2011 in Geneva, Switzerland, with several papers, a round table and a poster) containing part of the results of this year’s research work.  Below you can find the abstracts of two of them:

‘Smile! You´re on Film!´ The Interplay between Shame and the Use of Mobile Phone Cameras in the Process of Emergence of Norms (F. Núñez; N. Cantó; S. Seebach)

It is becoming increasingly common that teenager friendships end up in controversy, dispute and even fight because of pictures that have been shared in Fotolog or facebook without the permission of all those who are on them.

The easiness with which pictures can be taken and videos made with a mobile phone, and the easiness with which these pictures and videos can then be shared has generated many conflicts on many different levels. From public scandal to lawsuits because celebrities feel their intimacy invaded, to thousands of minor discussions among friends and lover for not having been asked before a picture of theirs was made public.

After the incorporation and generalisation of cameras and video cameras in mobile phones, a period of time has been necessary in order to domesticate the multiple possibilities, which are offered by these devices. These possibilities are still growing, but so are the routinized practises and norms of their use. Shame has been an emotion highly present in this process. It has facilitated the perception of the public dimension of an apparently innocent and familiar action, such as taking a picture, centred in a concrete place and time, and has helped become aware of the possible moral and social implications of taking that picture and publicising it.

From 2007 to 2009 interviews and discussions in focus groups with teenagers from Catalan schools were realised (56 teenagers aged between 15 and 18). These interviews and focus group discussions concentrated on finding out the use that these teenagers made of video materials in the Internet. This paper focuses on the results of the analyses of these interviews, emphasising the role that shame played in the regulation of the use of their mobile cameras, at a time in which the possession of mobile phones with cameras was becoming common among middle class and working class teenagers.

Send me a message and I’ll call you back – The late modern webbing of everyday love life (F. Núñez; N. Cantó; S. Seebach)

New technologies of communication are playing an increasingly important role in the everyday webbing of love relationships. Lovers use their mobile phones, email accounts, and webcams to communicate with each other in the most diverse situations and circumstances, and for the most varied reasons: the shopping list, the nanny’s phone number, or the most intimate confessions – those, which would cause great embarrassment without the possibility to hide behind the coded words … all these different types of messages are channeled by these same new forms (possibilitites and/or obligations) of communication. The possibilities to remain in touch despite the distance, the possibilities to create ‘artificial’ distance by chatting from the bedroom to the living room, to carry on arguing in the tube on the way to work, or to discuss the latest movie seen together whilst sitting at the desk at work, are, this is this paper’s thesis, webbing new forms of partnership, and possibilities of commitment.

To be always there for each other now does not only mean to stay together. Potentially it means being there for each other in every minute, every second, 24 hours, wherever one is, for there is always a possibility of ‘being in touch’. It also means to perceive the beloved other increasingly through written words and sent  images ; the same way as we perceive our colleagues, or old friends from school.

In order to research the forms in which quotidian love relationships are webbed today, strengthening or weakening the social bond (and their subsequent commitments) webbed between lovers, we have realised 70 autobiographical interviews with people in love relationships inBarcelona and Berlin. The results of the analyses, regarding their discourses on love, on that which relationships are and should be, their daily practices, their conflicts, hopes, problems and forms of communication will be presented within this paper.

Projecte I+D sobre compromís de parella i expressió de les emocions

In GRECS, recerca on Juliol 15, 2010 at 11:00 am

Marxem de vacances amb l’inici d’un nou projecte I+D en marxa, “Las formas de compromiso de pareja y la expresión de las emociones en la era de la comunicación electrónica” (Forms of Commitment in Love Relationships and the Expression of Emotions in Times of Electronic Communication), gràcies a l’ajut del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. La investigadora principal serà Natàlia Cantó, i hi participarem tots els membres del GRECS (Francesc Núñez, Swen Seebach, Pau Alsina, Isaac Gonzàlez, Ana Rodríguez i Roger Martínez).

To receive a love email or to get a break up message (SMS) was unthinkable only fifteen years ago. Now couples have the possibility to communicate with each other over long and short distances. Some couples may even start relationships by using these new forms of communication. These circumstances change the shape and content of the relationships that bond couples together – their affective practices, their daily communication, their emotional experiences, as well as their ways of expressing emotions. These changes influence a steadily growing number of people – and thus their biographies. Simultaneously, the discourses on the meaning of love and on that which a good relationship is and should be become gradually modified. Again, these changes in the practices and discourses are reflected in the social imaginaries as well as in the everyday practices of couples. Furthermore, huge changes in the socialisation of the new generations are taking place; they imply the descriptive and normative definitions of the meaning and content of love and love relationships.

Discourses on the body

In GRECS, recerca, Seminari on Març 5, 2010 at 10:27 pm

Swen Seebach — In today’s Seminar “Discourses on the body”, I’ve explained that drawing on the ideas of Butler, Foucault and Baudrillard I suggest that the mentioned changes in the forms of communication are part of bigger structural changes (a new cycle of the production and consumption of reality and social life). The discourse on the body (and matter in general) has changed. These developments have effects on the perceptions of all people in society and therefore on the webbing of love relationships, as well as on the understanding of the self and the other and of the bodies in love relationships.  

Visual and audio focussed presentation of the loved, of love and of the body lets other forms of experiencing each other disappear. It puts another complexion on the body, its ways to communicate, to live, feel and love. We consume the body through love and we consume us through the consumption of the body.