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Seminari amb el professor Edward Shanken al Wikilounge UOC

In GRECS, recerca, Seminari on Novembre 11, 2011 at 6:23 am
Edward A. Shanken

Image via Wikipedia

Aprofitant la pròxima publicació del monogràfic 11 d‘Artnodes “New Media, Art-Science and Contemporary Art:Towards a Hybrid Discourse?” i la visita a Barcelona del professor Edward Shanken (pels encontres SINERGIA que fem a l’Arts Santa Mònica), el mateix dia 17/11,  d’11 a 14h, farem un seminari  al Wikilounge de la UOC (Rambla de Catalunya, 6. Barcelona). Si algú vol assistir cal reservar-ho abans doncs és sala reduïda (email a paualsina(at)

Impulsat des del grup de recerca GRECS dels Estudis d’Arts i Humanitats el seminari es centrarà en analitzar els punts de connexió i les tensions que es donen entre el món de l’art contemporani i les pràctiques artístiques vinculades tant als nous descobriments científics com als desenvolupaments tecnològics més innovadors.

Una breu bio del professor Shanken: Edward A. Shanken writes and teaches about the entwinement of art, science, and technology with a focus on interdisciplinary practices involving new media. He is a researcher at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and a member of the Media Art History faculty at the Donau University in Krems, Austria. He was formerly Universitair Docent of New Media at UvA, Executive Director of the Information Science + Information Studies program at Duke University, and Professor of Art History and Media Theory at Savannah College of Art and Design. Fellowships include National Endowment for the Arts, American Council of Learned Societies, UCLA, University of Bremen, and Washington University in St. Louis.  Recent and forthcoming publications include essays on art and technology in the 1960s; interactivity, agency, and responsibility; sound art and ecology; art historiography, and bridging the gap between new media and contemporary art. He edited and wrote the introduction to a collection of essays by Roy Ascott, “Telematic Embrace: Visionary Theories of Art, Technology and Consciousness (University of California Press, 2003, reprinted 2007). His critically praised survey, Art and Electronic Media, was published by Phaidon Press in 2009, reprinted 2010.

Papers in Geneva

In ponència, recerca on Octubre 4, 2011 at 1:53 pm

The GRECS research group was present at the 10th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), which took place between the 7th and the 10th of September of2011 in Geneva, Switzerland, with several papers, a round table and a poster) containing part of the results of this year’s research work.  Below you can find the abstracts of two of them:

‘Smile! You´re on Film!´ The Interplay between Shame and the Use of Mobile Phone Cameras in the Process of Emergence of Norms (F. Núñez; N. Cantó; S. Seebach)

It is becoming increasingly common that teenager friendships end up in controversy, dispute and even fight because of pictures that have been shared in Fotolog or facebook without the permission of all those who are on them.

The easiness with which pictures can be taken and videos made with a mobile phone, and the easiness with which these pictures and videos can then be shared has generated many conflicts on many different levels. From public scandal to lawsuits because celebrities feel their intimacy invaded, to thousands of minor discussions among friends and lover for not having been asked before a picture of theirs was made public.

After the incorporation and generalisation of cameras and video cameras in mobile phones, a period of time has been necessary in order to domesticate the multiple possibilities, which are offered by these devices. These possibilities are still growing, but so are the routinized practises and norms of their use. Shame has been an emotion highly present in this process. It has facilitated the perception of the public dimension of an apparently innocent and familiar action, such as taking a picture, centred in a concrete place and time, and has helped become aware of the possible moral and social implications of taking that picture and publicising it.

From 2007 to 2009 interviews and discussions in focus groups with teenagers from Catalan schools were realised (56 teenagers aged between 15 and 18). These interviews and focus group discussions concentrated on finding out the use that these teenagers made of video materials in the Internet. This paper focuses on the results of the analyses of these interviews, emphasising the role that shame played in the regulation of the use of their mobile cameras, at a time in which the possession of mobile phones with cameras was becoming common among middle class and working class teenagers.

Send me a message and I’ll call you back – The late modern webbing of everyday love life (F. Núñez; N. Cantó; S. Seebach)

New technologies of communication are playing an increasingly important role in the everyday webbing of love relationships. Lovers use their mobile phones, email accounts, and webcams to communicate with each other in the most diverse situations and circumstances, and for the most varied reasons: the shopping list, the nanny’s phone number, or the most intimate confessions – those, which would cause great embarrassment without the possibility to hide behind the coded words … all these different types of messages are channeled by these same new forms (possibilitites and/or obligations) of communication. The possibilities to remain in touch despite the distance, the possibilities to create ‘artificial’ distance by chatting from the bedroom to the living room, to carry on arguing in the tube on the way to work, or to discuss the latest movie seen together whilst sitting at the desk at work, are, this is this paper’s thesis, webbing new forms of partnership, and possibilities of commitment.

To be always there for each other now does not only mean to stay together. Potentially it means being there for each other in every minute, every second, 24 hours, wherever one is, for there is always a possibility of ‘being in touch’. It also means to perceive the beloved other increasingly through written words and sent  images ; the same way as we perceive our colleagues, or old friends from school.

In order to research the forms in which quotidian love relationships are webbed today, strengthening or weakening the social bond (and their subsequent commitments) webbed between lovers, we have realised 70 autobiographical interviews with people in love relationships inBarcelona and Berlin. The results of the analyses, regarding their discourses on love, on that which relationships are and should be, their daily practices, their conflicts, hopes, problems and forms of communication will be presented within this paper.

Posgrado en Artes, medios digitales y cultura popular UOC-LABoral

In docencia, GRECS, recerca on Juliol 29, 2011 at 3:16 pm

Ya está en marcha la matrícula para la segunda edición del posgrado Artes, medios digitales y cultura popular UOC-LABoral, en el que participamos muy activamente desde el GRECS. Un año más, disfrutaremos esta fantástica oportunidad para trabajar, compartir y avanzar en lo que llamamos mirada en tiempo real a las artes, los medios digitales y la cultura popular contemporánea, con la voluntad de analizar como cambia la relación entre cultura y sociedad.

Edición: 2.ª edición
Inicio: 19 octubre 2011
Duración: 1 año
Nro. de créditos: 30
Idioma: Multilingüe


El posgrado en Artes, medios digitales y cultura popular UOC-LABoral ofrece las bases para comprender y analizar los cambios y transformaciones en la relación entre cultura y sociedad y aporta conocimientos clave sobre las nuevas producciones artísticas y culturales contemporáneas transformadas por las tecnologías de la información y comunicación, el dinamismo de las industrias culturales y los procesos de globalización.

Conscientes de la necesidad de comprender, adaptarse e intervenir en los cambios y transformaciones de la cultura contemporánea LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial y la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya impulsan conjuntamente este programa formativo de posgrado con el objetivo de ofrecer las herramientas para comprender e intervenir en la cultura actual desde una perspectiva interdisciplinar, y en conexión con los grandes debates a escala internacional en los ámbitos de las artes, las humanidades, la comunicación y las ciencias sociales.

La complejidad y la gran velocidad de los cambios en la cultura actual obliga a realizar una aproximación que sea capaz de aunar las perspectivas académica y profesional en las instituciones, industrias y sistemas culturales. En el contexto de los cambios y las transformaciones de la cultura en la Sociedad del Conocimiento es fundamental generar herramientas de análisis adecuadas para investigar, desarrollar e innovar en el ámbito social y cultural.

Este posgrado ofrece una formación que integra diferentes perspectivas de análisis para comprender e innovar en la relación de la cultura con la sociedad, la tecnología, la economía, los medios de comunicación y las artes. Para ello contaremos tanto con los estudios de caso más relevantes como con la colaboración de destacados especialistas del mundo de las artes y la cultura, la investigación, los medios o la industria, analizando en tiempo real aspectos que trabajaremos a nivel teórico, metodológico o práctico.

El programa se enmarca en el ámbito profesional de las artes y las humanidades, así como la comunicación avanzada, pero a la vez entra en clara conexión con el contexto de las industrias creativas y la gestión cultural. El curso se dirige, pues, tanto a los investigadores interesados en el estudio de la sociedad, las artes y la cultura en el mundo actual como a los profesionales y los creadores que trabajan en torno a las artes, la cultura, los medios de comunicación y las industrias creativas.

Este Posgrado consta de dos especializaciones:

Cambios en cultura y sociedad UOC-LAboral

Arte y cultura digital UOC-LABoral

Para conocer el programa, el profesorado o para matricularos clickad aquí.

Para acceder a más información sobre el contenido visita el blog creado por ambas instituciones con el objetivo de contribuir a la difusión y el debate en el ámbito del arte, la cultura y la innovación.

Podéis contactar con el tutor del Posgrado (Pau Waelder) a través del buzón:

Pau Alsina
Director del Posgrado de Artes, medios digitales y cultura popular UOC-LABoral.
Rosina Gómez-Baeza
Directora de LABoral, Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial.

Conferences on young people’s being together

In ponència, recerca on Juny 22, 2011 at 10:43 pm

We are starting to translate the months of fieldwork and research in the research project on the technological mediation of taste in music in ideas that we want to explore (we are also finishing the fieldwork on family socialization in new technologies). We had the ocassions to share them with researchers in two fantastic settings last week: the 1th NYRIS symposium on Global / Local Youth – New Civic Culture, Rights and Responsibilities (at the University of Turku in Turku, Finland) and Rethinking Youth Cultures In The Age Of Global Media (at the Institute Of Education, London).

The papers presented by Roger Martinez and Irene Curssó were untitled ‘Tuning-in through Youtube, Facebook and P2P: Growing up, making sense of popular music and the Internet’ and ‘Being Together Through The Internet: Class Differences in the Direct and Indirect Experience of Others’, and have been very useful in pushing us to put together part of the fielwork and start drawing some generalizations which develop some of the ideas Toni Cambra is also pushing on his PhD about Electrodance. These were the focus of both papers:

Tuning-in through Youtube, Facebook and P2P: Growing up, making sense of popular music and the Internet

When growing up, young people try to make sense of youth cultural geographies, and in this symbolic work music plays a very
important role. Contrary to what an important part of popular music research tends to imply, moreover, taste in music is homologically related to social geographies. During the last 10 years, the way young people access and share their music knowledge and preferences has notably changed because of the Internet: P2P file exchange, social network sites like Myspace or Facebook, and the importance of Youtube, just to name a few, have revolutionized young people’s relationship with music. In this paper, the impact of these technologies is scrutinized through a comparison of how taste in music was and is culturally produced in 2000 and 2010 in three secondary schools in Barcelona, Spain. Through the analysis of qualitative interviews to more than 120 youngsters between 15 and 16 years old, attention was paid to the changes in the way young people learn, make sense and experience the differentiation between different music genres and the tension between the commercial centre and the anti-commercial peripheries, with the goal of understanding how their homological relation to social meanings like gender, class or ethnic, linguistic and national identification are being produced and re-produced.

Being Together Through The Internet: Class Differences in the Direct and Indirect Experience of Others

We reflected about how youngsters in opposed positions of generalized advantage use digital media to build differentiated ways of communicating – understood as ‘being together’ in terms of actual social interactions as well as shared meanings and imagined cultural spaces. When growing up, young people try to make sense of youth and general social geographies through both direct and indirect experiences of others. Contemporary youth cultures, tastes and styles have always provided a stock of typified knowledge mediating young people’s experience of their social world. With the rise of digital technologies and the importance of user generated content, the way these meanings are being generated, disseminated and accessed are changing, and thus is presumably having an impact in young people’s cultural production of youth cultures and their ‘being together’. Through the analysis of in-depth qualitative interviews to youngsters between 15 and 16 years old, we analysed the importance of social network sites, messaging, Youtube and other on-line resources in the way young people in different positions of generalized advantage make sense of their position in youth cultural and social geographies.

What do we do?

In GRECS, publicacions, recerca on Juny 22, 2011 at 6:23 pm

In the context of an online dossier of the Digithum journal, we found the occasion to sumarize in a few pages the research we are carrying out in the context of the GRECS research group. The collective writing we did is now published in both English (download) and Catalan (baixa) with the title “Culture and Society Study Group (GRECS)” («Grup d’Estudis en Cultura i Societat (GRECS)»).

L’amor i altres dimonis en els temps d’Internet (via Sociologia de les emocions)

In Blocs membres, ponència on Juny 2, 2011 at 5:42 pm

Entrada del Blog de sociologia de les emocions sobre la primera de les conferències del cicle Domesticant les tecnologies digitals.

Dijous 26 de maig varem iniciar al Centre de Cultura Contemporània de València (Centre Octubre) el cicle de conferències “Domesticant les tecnologies digitals” ( . La primera conferència, “L’amor i altres dimonis en els temps d’Internet”, a càrrec de Francesc Núñez, es va centrar en algunes de les transformacions experimentades per l’amor en els darrers decennis. Aprofitant les reminiscències de … Read More

via Sociologia de les emocions

LOVE (via Sociology of Emotions)

In Blocs membres on Mai 2, 2011 at 11:41 am

LOVE I, comemo3, was checking the internet looking for some references for a research proposal I was writing on one of these topics that move us (couples in love and new technologies of communication) and, tired, I just googled the word "love". I was astonished when I saw the first entry for the word love was: Without taking it too seriously, I must admit to have been shocked by the representativity of this very first entry: a love calculator! A web p … Read More

via Sociology of Emotions

"Mil años de historia no lineal" de Manuel Delanda, descargable en castellano. (via Hic et nunc.)

In Blocs membres on Mai 2, 2011 at 11:41 am

Manuel Delanda me avisa que ya está disponible en castellano y bajo descarga gratuita su libro "Mil años de historia no lineal". Es una excelente notícia puesto que hay pocos textos suyos disponibles en castellano, y su trabajo es altamente interesante. Esperemos que su obra se pueda difundir mejor con esta nueva traducción al castellano, dando a conocer al mundo hispanohablante sus muy interesantes aportaciones inspiradas en el estudio de autore … Read More

via Hic et nunc.

Investigación y Metodologías y Arte y Ciencia y Cultura y Ética y Spinoza… (via Hic et nunc.)

In Blocs membres on Mai 2, 2011 at 11:41 am

El pasado viernes 1 de Abril los compañeros del proyecto Grid-Spinoza, impulsado por Hangar y el Parc de Rercerca Biomédica de Barcelona (PRBB), presentaron sus incipientes resultados dentro del marco de la segunda sesión de las jornadas de investigación en cultura auspiciadas por ZZZinc.  La primera parte de la sesión expuso el proyecto en sí y algunos de los resultados de las entrevistas realizadas a artistas y científicos. Algunas de las decla … Read More

via Hic et nunc.

Plagas, monstruos y quimeras: arte, biología y tecnología. (via Hic et nunc.)

In Blocs membres on Mai 2, 2011 at 11:41 am

Durante todo el mes de marzo ha tenido lugar el seminario "Plagas, monstruos y quimeras: arte, biología y tecnología"  que diseñamos Raquel Rennó y yo mismo.  Con Raquel, que es profesora en una universidad del paradisíaco e intenso Rio de Janeiro, llevamos un tiempo investigando, escribiendo e impartiendo seminarios sobre al temática. El manual docente de este seminario lo hemos escrito a duo y ahora justo esperamos en breve el anuncio de la pub … Read More

via Hic et nunc.